Source code for triad.collections.function_wrapper

import copy
import inspect
import re
from typing import (

from ..exceptions import InvalidOperationError
from ..utils.assertion import assert_or_throw
from ..utils.convert import get_full_type_path
from ..utils.entry_points import load_entry_point
from ..utils.hash import to_uuid
from .dict import IndexedOrderedDict

[docs] class FunctionWrapper: """Create a function wrapper that can recognize and validate all input types. :param func: the function to be wrapped :param params_re: paramter types regex expression :param return_re: return types regex expression .. admonition:: Examples Here is a simple example to show how to use FunctionWrapper. Assuming we want to validate the functions with 2 pandas dataframes as the first two input and then arbitray other input, and with 1 pandas dataframe as the return .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd @function_wrapper(None) # all param defintions are here, no entrypoint class MyFuncWrapper(FunctionWrapper): def __init__(self, func): super().__init__( func, params_re="^dd.*", # starts with two dataframe parameters return_re="^d$", # returns a dataframe ) @MyFuncWrapper.annotated_param(pd.DataFrame, code="d") class MyDataFrameParam(AnnotatedParam): pass def f1(a:pd.DataFrame, b:pd.DataFrame, c) -> pd.DataFrame: return a def f2(a, b:pd.DataFrame, c): return a # f1 is valid MyFuncWrapper(f1) # f2 is invalid because of the first parameter # TypeError will be thrown MyFuncWrapper(f2) """ _REGISTERED: List[ Tuple[Type["AnnotatedParam"], Any, str, Callable[[Any], bool]] ] = [] _REGISTERED_CODES: Dict[str, Any] = {} _ENTRYPOINT: Optional[str] = None def __init__( self, func: Callable, params_re: str = ".*", return_re: str = ".*", ): self._class_method, self._params, self._rt = self._parse_function( func, params_re, return_re ) self._func = func def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Any) -> Any: return copy.copy(self) def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return self._func(*args, **kwargs) def __uuid__(self) -> str: return to_uuid(get_full_type_path(self._func), self._params, self._rt) @property def input_code(self) -> str: """The input parameters code expression""" return "".join(x.code for x in self._params.values()) @property def output_code(self) -> str: """The output code expression""" return self._rt.code def _parse_function( self, func: Callable, params_re: str = ".*", return_re: str = ".*" ) -> Tuple[bool, IndexedOrderedDict[str, "AnnotatedParam"], "AnnotatedParam"]: sig = inspect.signature(func) annotations = get_type_hints(func) res: IndexedOrderedDict[str, "AnnotatedParam"] = IndexedOrderedDict() class_method = False for k, w in sig.parameters.items(): if k == "self": res[k] = SelfParam(w) class_method = True else: anno = annotations.get(k, w.annotation) res[k] = self.__class__.parse_annotation(anno, w) anno = annotations.get("return", sig.return_annotation) rt = self.__class__.parse_annotation(anno, None, none_as_other=False) params_str = "".join(x.code for x in res.values()) assert_or_throw( re.match(params_re, params_str) is not None, lambda: TypeError(f"Input types not valid {res} for {func}"), ) assert_or_throw( re.match(return_re, rt.code) is not None, lambda: TypeError(f"Return type not valid {rt} for {func}"), ) return class_method, res, rt
[docs] @no_type_check @classmethod def annotated_param( # noqa: C901 cls, annotation: Any, code: Optional[str] = None, matcher: Optional[Callable[[Any], bool]] = None, child_can_reuse_code: bool = False, ): """The decorator to register a type annotation for this function wrapper :param annotation: the type annotation :param code: the single char code to represent this type annotation , defaults to None, meaning it will try to use its parent class' code, this is allowed only if ``child_can_reuse_code`` is set to True on the parent class. :param matcher: a function taking in a type annotation and decide whether it is acceptable by the :class:`~.AnnotatedParam` , defaults to None, meaning it will just do a simple ``==`` check. :param child_can_reuse_code: whether the derived types of the current AnnotatedParam can reuse the code (if not specifying a new code) , defaults to False """ def _func(tp: Type["AnnotatedParam"]) -> Type["AnnotatedParam"]: if not issubclass(tp, AnnotatedParam): raise InvalidOperationError(f"{tp} is not a subclass of AnnotatedParam") if matcher is not None: _matcher = matcher else: anno = annotation def _m(a: Any) -> bool: return a == anno _matcher = _m tp._annotation = annotation if code is not None: tp._code = code else: tp._code = tp.__bases__[0]._code if tp._code in cls._REGISTERED_CODES: _allow_tp = cls._REGISTERED_CODES[tp._code] if ( _allow_tp is not None # implies parent allows reusing the code and inspect.isclass(tp) and issubclass(tp, _allow_tp) ): pass else: for _ptp, _a, _c, _ in cls._REGISTERED: if _c == tp._code: if str(_ptp) != str(tp): # This is to avoid a cyclic edge case # If the first time import fugue fails, then because # _REGISTERED_CODES is no longer empty, the second call # could re-register the same classes which will cause # exceptions. # # This trick ensures if there were duplication on the # first try then in the second try it still fails at # the same place. # # If import succeeded, this code will never be hit. raise InvalidOperationError( f"param code {_c} is already registered by {_ptp}" f" {_a} so can't be used by {tp} {annotation}" ) else: if child_can_reuse_code and inspect.isclass(tp): cls._REGISTERED_CODES[tp._code] = tp else: cls._REGISTERED_CODES[tp._code] = None cls._REGISTERED.append((tp, annotation, code, _matcher)) return tp return _func
[docs] @classmethod def parse_annotation( cls, annotation: Any, param: Optional[inspect.Parameter] = None, none_as_other: bool = True, ) -> "AnnotatedParam": if annotation == type(None): # noqa: E721 return OtherParam(param) if none_as_other else NoneParam(param) if annotation == inspect.Parameter.empty: if param is not None and param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: return PositionalParam(param) if param is not None and param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD: return KeywordParam(param) return OtherParam(param) if none_as_other else NoneParam(param) load_entry_point(cls._ENTRYPOINT) for tp, _, _, matcher in cls._REGISTERED: if matcher(annotation): return tp(param) if param is not None and param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: return PositionalParam(param) if param is not None and param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD: return KeywordParam(param) return OtherParam(param)
[docs] class AnnotatedParam: """An abstraction of annotated parameter""" def __init__(self, param: Optional[inspect.Parameter]): if param is not None: self.required = param.default == inspect.Parameter.empty self.default = param.default else: self.required, self.default = True, None self.annotation: Any = getattr(self.__class__, "_annotation") # noqa self.code: str = getattr(self.__class__, "_code") # noqa def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self.annotation)
[docs] def function_wrapper(entrypoint: Optional[str]): """The decorator to register a new :class:`~.FunctionWrapper` type. :param entrypoint: the entrypoint to load in in order to find the registered :class:`~.AnnotatedParam` under this :class:`~.FunctionWrapper` """ def _func(tp: Type[FunctionWrapper]) -> Type[FunctionWrapper]: if not issubclass(tp, FunctionWrapper): raise InvalidOperationError(f"{tp} is not a subclass of FunctionWrapper") setattr(tp, "_REGISTERED", list(FunctionWrapper._REGISTERED)) # noqa setattr( # noqa tp, "_REGISTERED_CODES", dict(FunctionWrapper._REGISTERED_CODES) ) setattr(tp, "_ENTRYPOINT", entrypoint) # noqa return tp return _func
[docs] @FunctionWrapper.annotated_param("NoneType", "n", lambda a: False) class NoneParam(AnnotatedParam): """The case where there is no annotation for a parameter""" pass
[docs] @FunctionWrapper.annotated_param("[Self]", "0", lambda a: False) class SelfParam(AnnotatedParam): """For the self parameters in member functions""" pass
[docs] @FunctionWrapper.annotated_param("[Other]", "x", lambda a: False) class OtherParam(AnnotatedParam): """Any annotation that is not recognized""" pass
[docs] @FunctionWrapper.annotated_param("[Positional]", "y", lambda a: False) class PositionalParam(AnnotatedParam): """For positional parameters""" pass
[docs] @FunctionWrapper.annotated_param("[Keyword]", "z", lambda a: False) class KeywordParam(AnnotatedParam): """For keyword parameters""" pass